Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Friday, August 24, 2007

too much cleavage

"The dress code is as follows" My professor stated sternly, looking at all of us like we were in a police line up.
"No short skirts, tattoos, body piercings, and PLEASE no cleavage."

I glanced down at my own shirt and noticed a tiny bit of boob showing. Quickly, I pulled up my shirt. Geeze, I thought to myself, how am I going to find clothes that cover up these.

You see, if you have boobs bigger than a B cup then you have a hard time finding tops to fit without showing some cleavage. It is more of a challenge than one would think. However, I was already making a mental note of any shirt I might have that would suffice for this class. I came up with a big fat zero.

So I must shop tomorrow for at least 2 shirts that will hold the girls in until after class.

Wish me luck

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I am in a mood

I really need to get out of it and fast before I do something stupid.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to work

Today was the first day back to Ninos. This week is all about training the new teachers and refreshing the old ones on rules and regulations. I was glad to see all my coworkers again. Many of us are friends and some even helped out with the wedding. There were a lot of new faces however. I had trouble learning names. I think it will take me a while. We also got to work on our rooms. I made a tree for my room. I think every good classroom needs a tree. They bring life into the space. Even if mine is a cardboard cut out tree it will still symbolize life and growth in the students.

I am trying something new this year. Every year we explain the rules. Now mind you that these are four year olds so there are not very many rules they can remember. Listening ears, walking feet, helping hands, quiet voice, and watching eyes. We explain what these mean and remind them periodically of the rules as needed.

The new thing I will be trying is a visual aid. I think this will help to have a pictures of each behavior to remind the students of the rules. Especially for ESL students I am also going to use these rules during circle time and the students can point to the pictures and explain the rule.

I am excited and nervous to start again. I know that I should be used to this by now, but I don't think you are ever ready for the first day of school. Especially with 4 year olds. There will be a lot of crying the first few weeks.

Hopefully by the end of 3 weeks we have a pretty stable classroom. Many of the students in my class are returning from a younger classroom at Ninos. So they know me and they know how to function in a classroom. I am ready for a great semester at Ninos.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Yea! We are stupid!

Ben fixed the surround sound. Would you like to know what was wrong? Well, I am going to tell you anyway. You see the 'sub woofer' and the 'far right' speakers weren't playing at all. *hehe look how technical I am!* Anyway, after about 30 minuets of tinkering Ben figured it out. The cords to these particular speakers were switched. I guess when 'someone' (not naming any names) put the surround system up, he/she mixed up the cords. After he/she figured it out, he/she called himself/herself stupid. And all I had to say to that was ... "Yea! you're stupid!" meaning that it is better to have switched the cords than to have Alan Rickman permanently break the expensive surround sound. So plus one for stupidity and minus one for Alan Rickman.

Current score:
Alan: -1 billion points
stupidity: 3

Alan Rickman broke the surround sound

Well, Alan, thanks a lot for ruining a perfectly good night. Apparently there is a problem with the surround sound. Also, because my husband said so, playing the movie on "regular" sound isn't a viable option. I guess Alan wouldn't like that either because he is used to getting played in DTS. He is such a snob. However, being the handyman that Ben is, he is fixing what Alan, too good for surround sound, Rickman broke. Wanker.

Best Friday night ever ...

Alan Rickman, Chinese food and husband. Well, not so much Alan Rickman in person but in a movie. "Perfume - The story of a murderer" I will let you guys know how it turns out. Looks promising. Anyway off to start the movie and continue my night of bliss. Ohhhh I smell popcorn. I love my husband.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weird Wedding part 1

"We are so gonna bully the boys into going to Open Minds with us" my friend Amber laughed mischievously.

"That's right!" I agreed "I am getting married tomorrow we have to go." I was already day- dreaming of what the sex store, Open Minds, would look like. I pictured of aisles and aisles of all kinds of fun things to do ... on the wedding night of course.

"I think Ben will go in, he's kind of a skank" I told Amber

"I think I can get Rus to go in this time" Amber giggled. "Last time he wouldn't get out of the car"

I laughed at the thought of a 6 foot 6 inch bearded man too scared to go in the sex store.

We were girls on a mission.

Now if only our counterparts would agree to this ....


"Ben," I said sweetly, stroking his hair

"Yes babe" he answered relaxed and unaware of what was coming.

"Me and Amber made some plans for all of us to hang out tonight after the rehearsal dinner ... Do you think you'd be up to it?"

"Sure hon" He replyed "What are we going to do?"

here it comes ... I thought to myself ... he will never go for this.

Well we thought it would be fun to go to Open Minds" I said stroking his hair even more vigorously in hopes that it would numb his brain just enough to agree with the plan. I bit my lip preparing all my counter arguments in my head.

"Open Minds?" He looked at me questioningly

I opened my mouth to begin the coercing but was cut short

"Ok, that sounds good" He answered a little too quickly

I shot up, shoving his head away roughly. "What?" "You will go?" "I mean ... I"

"What?" Ben asked "You think that I wouldn't want to go?"

"Well, no ... I just thought I might have to persuade you a little" I said, disappointed that none of my well thought out arguments were going to be used.

"Hello - go to sex store with soon to be wife - good thing -me man - like sex - uhg."

Ok, he didn't really say that but something to the effect.

"I hope we can get Rus out of the car when we get there" I said.

Then I laughed,"you know - I think that sitting out in the car, in front of Open Minds, alone, is WAY more gross than going in with your significant other. I'll just remind Rus of this before we get there."

Ben laughed.

"It's almost time for the Wedding Rehearsal" I said glancing at the clock "I better get ready"

"Babe, you look great now get your butt into the car" Ben ordered

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I just had to put on a little lipstick ...

Mmmmm Brocclinen

I love broccoli. It tastes really good cooked with a little lemon juice. The only problem is it smells really bad when you cook it. I tried to cover up the smell with 'clean linen' carpet fresh but unfortunately 'clean linen' carpet fresh and broccoli make an even worse odor than the broccoli itself.

I've given this odor a name: "brocclinen"

Friday, August 10, 2007

random questions

So they have this 'question's thing on facebook now. This is where you can ask your friends a question and they can answer it. they have pre-made questions for the very uninventive. However I, being inventive, have made up my own question for today. Unfortunately, because I am Chelsea and my random brain won't shut up I have thought of about 20 different random questions..... so I am going to post some of them so I won't forget when I need to make a new question on facebook. Oh and so my brain won't explode.

1. What IS the sound of silence?
2. What do little people do when they need 'knee highs?'
3. Where is Scarborough fair?
4. Can you by parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme there?
5. why do bald people shave their heads?
6. why does my husband have 500 hundred copies of 'Popular Science" magazine
7. Why are redheaded people called gingers? ginger is beige.
8. Why are squirrels cute but also creepy. I personally think it is their little white vests.

Well that is all for today...
maybe more later

Feelin' groovey

If you are ever in a contemplative, mellow, mood - Simon and Garfunkel are the BEST.

Also, the 'moon is over.I am so sad about that. I must have listened to the 'sound of silence' 8 times today to reflect the sadness. Ben had to go back to work today. :( But I was a good wifey and cleaned and cooked while he was gone. I am very proud of me.... you should be too. By the way Simon and Garfunkel are the coolest. That is all.