Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Call Someone – Without Having To Talk To Them

"After a long beta period, Boston-based MobileSphere launched a 'straight-to-voicemail' service yesterday called Slydial. If you call 267-SLY-DIAL and listen to a short ad, you can then be connected to the voicemail inbox of any US mobile phone subscriber, without causing their phone to ring. Sounds kinda useful — but incredibly, MobileSphere is pitching the service as a way to avoid actually communicating with all those difficult, boring people in your life. In reply to suggestions that Slydial erodes and cheapens genuine human interaction, a MobileSphere exec says the company is just combating technology with technology, by helping people take control of whether and when to talk with their friends, family, and coworkers."

Saturday, May 31, 2008

3 reasons not to go to the laundry mat on a friday night ...

On Friday, I came home from work, late, as usual. After working ten straight hours, with 4 year-olds mind you, I was exhausted. My husband greeted me at the door with a much too cheery hello, a kiss, and 5 giant loads of laundry.

"I separated the laundry" he joyfully exclaimed. He grabbed my hand and drug me to the bedroom to see his handiwork.

"wow honey, thank you!" I replied, looking down at the bedroom floor which was no longer carpet but baskets and baskets of laundry.

He went on to explain the numerous and complicated ways he had sorted our two week laundry pile.

"I separated the towels from the underwear and I also made sure the white towels are with the white clothes and the black underwear is with the black clothes....."

I wondered to myself if he had made a diagram to go along with his afternoon project.

"...I also put the pants in a basket separated from the shirts ... but I put all the black shirts with the black clothes......"

I smiled and secretly thought that I should make him the official family laundry sorter... he was very efficient.

"Now," he continued, " we need to go to the laundry mat."

"Honey, it is late and I am tired,' I said wearily.

"I will do EVERYTHING" he announced. "you don't even have to lift a finger"

I stared suspiciously at him wondering if this was a trick, but decided to chance it.

We arrived at the laundry mat at 10:00 PM. I looked at the cars in the parking lot and realized that there were people, like us, whose Friday night consisted of work and laundry.

"Why the heck are all of these people here?" I asked "Don't they have anything better to do?"

We parked in a corner parking space and just as we were getting out, a giant beat-up truck pulled next to us. The truck was white with rust stains and it blared loud country music. Because of the trucks size, my side was completely blocked from unloading big baskets of laundry. Out of the truck came three young guys oozing of redneck. They were wearing cowboy boots, hats, and
Levi's. I watched as they pushed and shoved each other jokingly into the laundry mat.

True to his word, Ben carried in all of the laundry while I was busily watching the cowboys. They were still pushing and shoving on each other. Then all of a sudden, they started wrestling, right there in the middle of the laundry mat. One of them had the other in a head lock..... and I thought I was going to be BORED tonight - hah.

Ben came back to the car and I asked him what was going on with those guys. "They are watching UFC championships ... and practicing their moves" he said disaprovingly. Then he started humming the banjo tune from the movie, Deliverance.

"Hmm," I said to myself. I wonder if one of them will rip off their shirts like Hulk Hogan. I hoped not because I didn't think that it would be a sight I would want to see.

After the initial shock of grown men publicly practicing their UFC moves I ventured in the laundry mat.

I noticed a bearded man with a Motorcycle helmet in his lap. "Wow, men who ride motorcycles are super cool!" I thought, wishing Ben had one.

Ben and I finished our laundry at the same time as the motorcycle man. As we carried our laundry out to the car, I watched him to hopefully catch a glimpse of his bike. Unfortunately, He carried his laundry to a 1980 tiny Toyota truck.

What? I thought. Where is his motorcycle.... I glanced in the bed of the truck ...sure to see it in the back - but nothing.

I looked at Ben and said - now why would you bring a motorcycle helmet with you to the laundry mat when you are driving a truck? I am VERY disappointed! I wanted to see a motorcycle.

Ben just looked at me and shook his head.

As we loaded up our car, I thought about all of the strange people that we often see at our local laundry mat. I have see more weird/crazy/drunk people there than I ever saw in college.

I turned to Ben and said "I want a washer and dryer for Christmas"

He laughed at me and said "I'll get on that"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So - I guess I am grown up now ... SIKE!

No, really, I am married, finished with college, AND I have a job that does not pay hourly. I would say I am a full fledged grown-up. Well, I would say that if I had not spent the last hour playing Dr. Mario...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

life seems to drag on ...

I remember when everything was new and exciting. I remember enjoying the most stupid things, like laying next to B and listening to music for hours and talking of nothing... I remember ....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sorry so long since last post...

It's not my fault - really. I was kidnapped! The evil and treacherous villain "Myspace" held me captive for 2 months. Thankfully, I am back. I was able to vanquish Myspace with a daring and rather large blow to the head. It was rather difficult to defeat Myspace - you see they have legions of predators and spam invaders at their disposal ... but I was strong and true and am now happy to say that I am just fine after my harrowing escape.