Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Friday, November 02, 2007

Underground Villa?

I just had the need to reiterate the conversation that transpired between Ben, Myself, and our good friend Russell. Before I begin the dialouge I must set the stage. We are at the local taco bell/long john silvers (don't ask me how that combination happened ... it just did) and we are eating and chatting. Ben said something that is not suitable to write on this blog but lets just say it had something to do with ...umm... Ben being a guy and taking everything out of context

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" I laughed
"No, you see, Chelsea, where I live... the gutter is ... like the skylight" Ben replied.
Russell nodded his head in agreement
I rolled my eyes at my husband
"It is very energy efficient to live underground" Ben continued "It pretty much heats and cools itself down there."
"Oh, yeah!" said Russell "It is also cost efficient how you have those energy saving lightbulbs all over the place, they also help out a lot in your underground villa"


The conversation continued with Ben and Rus going on, in great detail, how an efficient underground villa should be designed. I zoned out during this conversation, thank God, however, I did hear how they thought the doors should be just like the ones on the Star Trek Enterprise.....

Holiday mood

The cold weather has hit Texas finally and I am enjoying every minute of it! The cold weather makes me happy. I tend to associate this weather with the coming holidays. We celebrated Halloween on Saturday. I threw my first official party in our new apartment and it was so much fun. We had food, drinks, friends, and 'Grindhouse'. What could be better?

Let me tell you .....
