Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Monday, April 10, 2006

Being a slacker always pays off ... ALWAYS

Well guess what? My math teacher was sick today so no math exam until Wednesday! SWEET! now I can watch more movies and eat more brownies ... uh I mean study. Chris (the 5th roommate) is letting my try out his laptop so I can decide if I want to buy it. I am super excited to finally have a laptop. And I know that if something goes wrong with it I can ask Benny wenny or the rus man or prob even Chris since they are all so super smart and I am just a lowly "regular" nerd not an "super" nerd. I know, no cape - but whatever. But anyway, I am excited. That is all the news here - 'cept my Ben is LEAVING me :( *tear* *snif* but hopefully if everything works out they way we want it to, I will be seeing him in July ... maybe.

1 comment:

warbenekar1 said...

That is so true. I have always been a total slacker and look at me....hmmm...hmmm.....then again...hmmmm....hmmmmm.....I think I might have to rethink that one.