Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day two: Downtown Hot Springs.

Sorry it took so long to continue with our camping story – but I’ve been a little busy with getting engaged … *smile* Anyway here is an account of day two:

Ben and I woke up early to the birds singing outside our car window.

“Isn’t this great honey – nature right at our front door” said Ben, who was abnormally cheery for having just spent a night crammed into a car.

I glared at him menacingly “I need to take a shower” I growled. It was true, I did need a shower. If I had been a cartoon there would be green waves surrounding me.

“You do!” exclaimed Ben

Ben was exceedingly lucky that I was too tired to kill him. Not too tired to think it, just too tired to do it.

We dragged ourselves to the community showers to clean up. Afterwards I suggested that we take a trip to downtown Hot Springs to see all the touristy crap. Ben agreed and we were on our way. By the time we arrived, downtown was swarming with tourists. We pushed our way through the crowds and found very interesting shops to explore. My favorites were, the costume shop, the best fudge shop ever (it really was good) and the old toy’s toy store. As we were meandering about, a homeless person stopped me and asked me for money.

*cough* “you got any spare change” *cough*

“Sorry, don’t have anything.” I said truthfully

He glared at me

Ben and I carried on with our meandering but something was amiss… the homeless person was following us! I got completely freaked out and made a mad dash for the nearest store.

“What is wrong with you?” Ben asked

“That homeless dude was following us!” I explained

Ben looked at me like I was crazy.

He looked at me like I was even more crazy when I made us go to our car and leave the city of Hot Springs – without even looking at one hot spring. Ben was totally jipped. But because I am his girlfriend and also cute, he put up with me.

“Don’t blame me!” I said sweetly “Blame the crazy homeless guy.”

Ben said “of course I will honey, that’s the American way!”

And all was well in the land of Chelsea and Ben.


Meg said...

Darn homeless person! Why couldn't he accept that you spent all your money on fudge?

warbenekar1 said...

I think you put some words in my mouth, but honestly, I guess it is pretty true. I didn't realize until afterwards that the homeless guy was a potential threat and I am sorry for thinking you were crazy.