Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Friday, August 17, 2007

Alan Rickman broke the surround sound

Well, Alan, thanks a lot for ruining a perfectly good night. Apparently there is a problem with the surround sound. Also, because my husband said so, playing the movie on "regular" sound isn't a viable option. I guess Alan wouldn't like that either because he is used to getting played in DTS. He is such a snob. However, being the handyman that Ben is, he is fixing what Alan, too good for surround sound, Rickman broke. Wanker.


Meg said...

Yeah, get used to it now. Husbands often have hangups that you just won't understand.

But yeah, Alan Rickman does have his sucky moments.

warbenekar1 said...

We don't have hangups, we simply have a particular way of doing things.