Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mmmmm Brocclinen

I love broccoli. It tastes really good cooked with a little lemon juice. The only problem is it smells really bad when you cook it. I tried to cover up the smell with 'clean linen' carpet fresh but unfortunately 'clean linen' carpet fresh and broccoli make an even worse odor than the broccoli itself.

I've given this odor a name: "brocclinen"


Mademoiselle said...

Actually, I think I've smelled that smell before. However, I was unable to articulate the odor to others because I couldn't think of a word that so perfectly captured its essence.

So, for this, I thank you.

Meg said...

I love the Fabreze Clean Linen scent. Unfortunately, it cannot cover a multitude of sins, like a stinky litter box. It comes out smelling like poopy linen, lol.

Pinkys Lounge said...

The best invention ever: Litter box with lid and air filter. I am telling you it really works. We have the litter box in our tiny bathroom and there is hardly any smell. I wish toilets came with a sealed lid and an air filter.

warbenekar1 said...

mmmm brocolli

Pinkys Lounge said...

was that the best you could do warbenekar?