Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Friday, August 10, 2007

random questions

So they have this 'question's thing on facebook now. This is where you can ask your friends a question and they can answer it. they have pre-made questions for the very uninventive. However I, being inventive, have made up my own question for today. Unfortunately, because I am Chelsea and my random brain won't shut up I have thought of about 20 different random questions..... so I am going to post some of them so I won't forget when I need to make a new question on facebook. Oh and so my brain won't explode.

1. What IS the sound of silence?
2. What do little people do when they need 'knee highs?'
3. Where is Scarborough fair?
4. Can you by parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme there?
5. why do bald people shave their heads?
6. why does my husband have 500 hundred copies of 'Popular Science" magazine
7. Why are redheaded people called gingers? ginger is beige.
8. Why are squirrels cute but also creepy. I personally think it is their little white vests.

Well that is all for today...
maybe more later


warbenekar1 said...

1. What IS the sound of silence?
That moment after you fart in a crowd and everyone is trying to figure out who dealt it.
2. What do little people do when they need 'knee highs?'
Well I suppose they could shop at Baby Gap.
3. Where is Scarborough fair?
After doing a GIS I would have to say somewhere near the Yorkshire coast.
4. Can you by parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme there?
Well I suppose, it depends on whether you go when the season seller is there.
5. why do bald people shave their heads?
For fun, and to even things out.
6. why does my husband have 500 hundred copies of 'Popular Science" magazine
Well I just happen to like to keep things I buy, why should I through them away and at most it is only 60 copies.
7. Why are redheaded people called gingers? ginger is beige.
I don't know, I simply don't know. Wikipedia wasn't clear. Aside that it is an insult doing with Scottish people.
8. Why are squirrels cute but also creepy. I personally think it is their little white vests.
No it is because they can water ski.

Pinkys Lounge said...

And THAT is why I married you...