Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Friday, September 22, 2006

words, words, and more words.

It’s 9:30 in the morning and my math teacher is droning on about numbers or something - I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. She finally caught my attention by saying "you know, this formula is not correct because it is disproved by this 'pacific' example." Yes my dear friends, she said "pacific." Was she talking about the Pacific Ocean?


Was she making a reference to the Broadway show "South Pacific"


“So why would she say this?” You ask, scrunching your eyebrows together in deep thought.

Well … my teacher is a very southern lady and by ‘southern’ I mean annoying.

Why is it that people in the South, East Texas to be “specific” ( "I" say specific correctly cuz my momma woudda beat my ass) talk like jack asses?
Here are some of the words that my fellow neighbors say … that just might make me want to tape their mouth up with duct tape (and YES it is "duct" not "duck")

Ok, ok why am I so uptight? "Chill out" you say?

I might have let that little mistake slide … but about 10 min later she says "I don't know, 'supposably' that could work…"

At this point in time I am thinking to myself "YOU have a masters degree?"

Oh well, I must learn to live with the mispronunciation and just be content with sighing and muttering "dat foo don't know jack!"

1 comment:

warbenekar1 said...

Hey, if it were better it wouldn't be East Texas