Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Monday, October 30, 2006

It's funny how everything changes . . .

What do I want to be when I grow up? Did you ever ask yourself that question? What where your dreams and aspirations? How did you see your life. Is it what you expected? Is it better/worse? Did your dream change when you met that ‘special someone’ or when you got married. Or had a child?

I wanted to be an international jet setter. Stop laughing, I am not kidding. I wanted to be one of those people on TV who got to travel the world and tell people about their 4 star hotel rooms and gourmet food.

Then my dreams changed – I wanted to be a photographer who sleeps on the dirt floor of a hut while recording my adventures in the wilds of Africa.

My dreams changed once again to be a famous pianist that went from concert hall to concert hall performing and having people throw roses to me after my tear-jerking performance.

So what did all of these dreams have in common? I want to travel – to see everything, experience everything. I feel I am missing so much, every minute that passes by is one minute lost that I could be learning something new. So my dreams have been altered, just a bit. I now want to be a teacher – did I loose my once insatiable need to never become monotonous? Nope, because if anyone ever tells you that being a teacher is boring then they are just stupid.

Now being a teacher just might entail me to travel the world and teach in far off exotic places – you never know.

Even though the question of “what I want to be when I grow up” is changed and even if I become just a teacher in little old Texas I will still be growing – and that my friends is what I want, to never stop growing.

1 comment:

warbenekar1 said...

You're still young. A lot can happen. You never know. Life is known for throwing curve balls and showing you weird paths. Ultimately, you make something good, if you really try. It might just take a while to reach your dreams.