Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Girlie men Suck

OK, let me ask you all a question ... why ... when you date a guy ... does he become a freakin girl? No really - I'm serious. Several stupid and annoying things I have heard this week ...
1. "Why didn't you CALL me" (because you're annoying)
2. "Why are you so distant" (because you're annoying)
3. Why do you always talk about yourself. (because you're stupid)
4. What do you mean by that? (you're stupid)
5. Why do you have to be so mean. (because you're stupid and annoying)
Ok that was my rant for today. And I don't want to hear "Well, why is she dating him" because I don't even know myself ... I just am. I'm a makeout whore.

1 comment:

warbenekar1 said...

Girlie Men Do suck, but you have to make an exception if they are gay. As we all know they can't help it.