Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Monday, November 28, 2005

So I'm a degenerate ... yea me!

I had to read this wonderful book entitled degeneration by Max Nordau. This was an interesting read. You’ve heard the term degenerate right? Well in the context I am talking about this is where …back in the good ol’ days … crazy/criminal people were thought to have certain physical characteristics …stigmata if you will. And This Nordau guy said – not only do crazy/criminal people have physical stigmata but they also have certain personality traits. These traits, in themselves, do not seem criminally insane but unfortunately these are key characteristics in a degenerate and if allowed to continue will degrade and delude the morality of the human race.

So why should you care?

Because you are friends with (apparently) a lesser evolved degenerate…ME!

Here is the description for an emotionalistic degenerate.

“A Commonplace line of poetry or of prose sends a shudder down his [her] back; he falls into raptures before indifferent pictures or statures; and music especially …”

“He [she] is quite proud of being so vibrant a musical instrument, and boasts that where the philistine remains completely cold, he feels his inner self confounded, the depths of his being broken up, and the bliss of the beautiful possessing him to the tips of his fingers. His excitability appears to him a mark of superiority; he believes himself to be possessed by a peculiar insight lacking in other mortals, and he is fain to despise the vulgar herd for the dullness and narrowness of their minds.”

So apparently I am a pompous ass who cries at everything and I suck… but that’s ok because I not only discovered that “I” am a degenerate I found that one of my friends [Ben] is also a degenerate, a pessimistic degenerate to be precise … so at least someone else sucks besides me.

Description of a pessimistic degenerate

“These patients feel perpetually compelled to commiserate themselves, to sob, to repeat with the most desperate monotony the same questions and words. They have delirious presentations of ruin and damnation, and all sorts of imaginary fears.”

“In this picture of the sufferer from melancholia; a downcast, somber, despairing of himself and the world”

“The degenerate who shuns action, and is without will-power, has no suspicion that his incapacity for action is a consequence of his inherited deficiency of brain [sorry Ben you just can’t help it you are a lesser evolved human – and you suck]

“In order to justify himself in his own eyes, he constructs a philosophy of renunciation and of contempt for the world and men.”

Well I hope we all learned something from my little blog. If you hang around me or Ben we will corrupt and delude you and possibly destroy the human race. [We suck - high five Ben]

1 comment:

warbenekar1 said...

How dare you.

I am twice the degeneate you are.
Assuming, of course, you mean a depraved, corrupt, or vicious person.