Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

525,600 minutes

Won't you light my caaaannnnndddddlllleeee....

Take me oooowwwwwwttttt tonite.....

maurenn cheated? fucken cheated....

La vie boheim....were sisters/brothers....


warbenekar1 said...

You really like that thing, huh?
Sure it was good, but nothing to go Bananas over.
BTW if you want help making your blog look fancy and nice and adding links and stuff to your posts just ask.
I am always here, as you know, no social life and all.

Pinkys Lounge said...

Hello! you have me- geeze I feel sooooooo special - jerk face.

warbenekar1 said...

Pinkys Lounge said...

Hello! you have me- geeze I feel sooooooo special - jerk face.

4:12 PM

OH, I am sorry. I wasn't thinking was I.
What can I say. I apologize. You are always there for me.

Pinkys Lounge said...

That's better