Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Monday, November 28, 2005

Axe Pie?

Ok this is how it all started (dreamy flashback music playing in background) My friend and I were talking about Ebay (cuz that's how cool we are) and he was saying that he looked up all of the things that you could NOT sale on E-bay. Some of these things include:

1. Animals
2. Prescription drugs
3. Illegal drugs
4. "Special" hair *wink, wink* (ok I made that one up)

So I asked him why he was looking this up and he mysteriously replied "I just wanted to know…" To this I wittily remarked "trying to find out if you could sell naked pictures of yourself eh?" He sadly said "no" and then said "that sounds like something you would do." I found that quite funny and replied with a camera flashing motion. He somehow took this as spraying whipped cream (dirty, dirty mind) and he laughed and said "yeah whipped cream" I was shocked and quite affronted and said I would never do that unless it was eggnog flavored whipped cream. He thought that was pretty darn funny and said that egg nog flavored whipped cream was a great idea and that it would taste good on the chocolate pie that he was currently eating. I agreed and that reminded me that I've always wanted to throw a pie at someone. I told him this and he said "yeah like your grandma" I laughed and said … yes, not an eggnog pie - but an axe pie. So I invented egg nog flavored whipped cream and a pie make out of razor sharp axes. A Very productive day don't you think?


warbenekar1 said...

By special do you mean pubic hair, because technically that is true, as body parts can't be sold on ebay. That includes fluids and hair.

Pinkys Lounge said...

yes I thought of that because I remember one day hearing about some dude who was selling a pubic hair of a 19 yr old virgin and I just didn't understand why ANYONE would want to buy that. I mean is that a turn on --- I just don't get it, but then again I'm not a perve so....