Yeah ...Junk I Said. Ummm - random pointless awesome stuff

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Not All Babies Are cute

Seriously... My cousin's baby- The ugliest thing I've ever seen. I didn't know babies came that ugly. You know what a monkey looks like? All wrinkly and hairy and funny smelling? Yeah … that would be an improvement. Eveyone tries to be nice about the baby saying stuff like... "oh he's smart" That’s' just BS. Sort of like going on a blind date and asking about your prospective date … "What's he like?" "Oh, he's really smart."




This is a well known fact. If I ever have a baby and people call it smart … I am going to punch them in the face.

Another thing they say... "It's getting cuter" also BS. People don't even call it by its name - that's how ugly it is. Like Frankenstein … no…WAIT even he had a name. So I sweetly suggested that the baby go on extreme makeover. I mean, you've seen the ugly people they have on that show … well ... he's PERFECT! And they have never surgically altered a baby on TV before … I'd watch that. Well, that didn't go over too well. I don't know why not. I was just trying to be helpful.


warbenekar1 said...

Babies Suck

Pinkys Lounge said...

lol this is true but they can help it --- somthing about inborn reflexes or somthing ...but really -I agree 'specially ugly ones

warbenekar1 said...


Anonymous said...

Babys are always changing anyway.